Are you brushing your teeth regularly? Risk factors to know for head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancer refers to the group of cancers affecting mouth, sinuses, neck and throat. The most common symptoms of head and neck cancer are persistent sore throat, change in voice and difficulty in swallowing. Based on the stage of cancer, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are advised by the health expert.

Betelnut consumption is a pressing concern, that can lead to head and neck cancer.(Image by kjpargeter on Freepik)
Betelnut consumption is a pressing concern, that can lead to head and neck cancer.(Image by kjpargeter on Freepik)

In the recent times, there has been a surge in the number of head and neck cancer patients in India. Explaining the surge, in an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Prathamesh S. Pai, Head and Neck Surgeon, Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Head and Neck Institute of India, said, “The global incidence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is rising especially in the younger population in India with a predicted annual rise of 30% by 2030. One in nine Indians has a lifetime risk of developing cancer and most of it is preventable.”

ALSO READ: Head and neck cancer is emerging as prevalent concern in India. Know its causes, symptoms, who are at risk

What is causing the surge in head and neck cancer patients in India?

Tobacco, betelnut and alcohol:

Squamous cell cancers are the most common cancers and 80% are caused by tobacco, betelnut and alcohol consumption. It takes 8 to 10 years for the cancer to manifest and is preventable by avoiding these habits.

ALSO READ: Head and neck cancer: Know the signs for early detection and treatment

Poor dental hygiene:

The average Indian barely brushes his teeth, rinses the mouth after each meal and almost never gets a dental check-up annually. Many people sleep with tobacco and betelnut inside their mouth. Cheek cancer is one of the most common cancers in the oral cavity, followed by tongue cancers.

ALSO READ: Lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of head and neck cancer: Here’s how

Detection delay:

Oral cancer in India is diagnosed with an average delay of 6 months. Most cancers are detected in advanced stages – thus, requiring multiple treatments which increase both the toxicity and the cost.

Awareness of early signs:

Awareness of signs and symptoms such as any growth in the oral cavity, any abnormal bleeding from the gums, any alteration in swallowing, any persisting voice change, any growth in the neck should be taken seriously and must be consulted with a doctor.

ALSO READ: 1 poor habit responsible for the rise of neck and head cancer in India

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