Aug 27, 2024 05:14 PM IST
Hollywood actor Channing Tatum made the confession during GQ’s 10 Things Channing Tatum Can’t Live Without segment.
Hollywood actor Channing Tatum has confessed to a quirky habit — he can’t stand doing laundry! In a recent revelation, the actor admitted to buying a year’s worth of brand-new T-shirts just to avoid the chore. Also read: Zoe Kravitz and Channing Tatum are engaged after 2 years of dating, Batman actress spotted with a massive diamond ring

Say no to laundry
Channing made the confession during GQ’s 10 Things Channing Tatum Can’t Live Without video.
He admitted that his aversion to laundry day is so strong, that he is willing to go to great lengths (and expenses) to procrastinate.
“I hate doing laundry. Like, I hate it more than I can possibly say. I had one year that I called ‘the year of the fresh white T,’ and I don’t think I did laundry all year that year and I just wore white T-shirts that I just bought,” he said.
The actor added, “I’d (look at a shirt and) be like, ‘I can get like two wears out of this a week. This is gonna be good.’ HThe year of the fresh white T — ’99 or 2000. It’s a beautiful year.”
When it comes to his forever wardrobe essentials, the Blink Twice star said a simple Hanes T-shirt or “ribbed” tank top remains to be his favourite. He explained that he has always gravitated to a tattered, old white shirt as it is a “classic thing”.
More about it
Channing’s views on pants are a bit different.. The actor told GQ that he has sported Dickies and Carhartts for decades, claiming he still owns one pair from when he was a teen. He feels one can wear them in a disaster situation or can wear them painting with one’s daughter in the backyard.
From the past
Back in 2022, the actor told his 22 Jump Street co-star Jonah Hill that the simple look was a product of where he was raised.
He said he grew up in the South where one doesn’t wear anything but white T-shirts and chains. The actor even admitted that he once had ‘the year of the fresh white T’.
However, for him, “dressing became a bit of a chore” after moving to Los Angeles. Now, he is comfortable with his fashion with his now-fiancée, Zoë Kravitz, encouraging him to just be authentic.