Daily Numerology August 22, 2024: Check Predictions for Number 1 to 9 Today! – News18

Numerology predictions for August 22, 2024, by astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. (Image: Shutterstock/File)

Explore the numerology predictions for August 22, 2024, with expert insights from astrologer Chirag Daruwalla.

Number 1 (People born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month)

Ganesha says benefits accruing from authority figures are strongly indicated. Bad news related to children may dampen your day. An eye infection may be coming on; go see a doctor. This is a day to rake in big money. Stay away from the temptation to flirt; someone may not appreciate your overtures. Your lucky number is 17 and your lucky colour is Dark Grey.

Number 2 (People born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month)

Ganesha says donate some of your earnings to ensure continued success. You are in a carefree mood today. Your charm and good health are at an all-time high today. Your ideas impress someone deeply, and you are well rewarded for your efforts. The chances of a new romance are bright. Your lucky number is 3 and your lucky colour is Yellow.

Number 3 (People born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month)

Ganesha says your relationship with an older person may come under some strain. Poetry and literary gatherings hold your interest today. The defeat of a rival results in financial gains for you. Keep your purse strings tightly knotted. You spend lavishly on sensual pleasures. Your lucky number is 2 and your lucky colour is Indigo.

Number 4 (People born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month)

Ganesha says despite your best efforts and willingness to compromise, domestic life may remain disturbed. Your magnetism is on the rise today. This is a good time to acquire a new home or car. You make money from the most unexpected source. Your relationship is waning; everyone but you can see that. Take time to take stock of the situation. Your lucky number is 4 and your lucky colour is Violet.

Number 5 (People born on 5, 14, 23 of any month)

Ganesha says a tiff with a sibling or close friend is a source of tension. You take a deep interest in arts, literature and music today. A property transaction at this time will prove most unprofitable. There could be some minor losses or delays on the business horizon. What started as a fanciful flirtation turns into a full-fledged romance. Your lucky number is 6 and your lucky colour is Coffee.

Number 6 (People born on 6, 15 or 24 of any month)

Ganesha says a fallout with siblings is possible if you don`t watch what you say. Children bring home good news from school today. The day may see the finalization of a property-related transaction. Your expenses are very high, the only discordant note in an otherwise perfect day. Your partner supports you in all your endeavours. Your lucky number is 7 and your lucky colour is Royal Blue.

Number 7 (People born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)

Ganesha says there is great ambition behind everything you undertake. Your magnetism is on the rise today. Your mental energy is high which is a big plus. You find yourself hampered by delays and disappointments on the work front. Your mate and you have a good day together. Your lucky number is 15 and your lucky colour is Dark Green.

Number 8 (People born on 8, 17 and 26 of any month)

Ganesha says everyone you meet is extremely helpful and forthcoming. A shopping spree lifts your spirits today, as you buy things for the home. A headache and a feeling of feverishness may linger throughout the day. Your hard work finally pays off, bringing you professional success. Your partner satisfies not only your physical, but emotional and intellectual needs as well. Your lucky number is 1 and your lucky colour is Maroon.

Number 9 (People born on 9, 18 and 27 of any month)

Ganesha says a social get-together in the evening will serve an important purpose. Participation in group activities is highlighted today. You feel a bit weary, but only physically. The gains you make today are painfully disproportionate to the hard work you put in. Your relationship with your partner has that fine, serene quality to it. Your lucky number is 6 and your lucky colour is Red.

(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla).

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