MPESB Exams 2024: MP Employee Selection Board reschedules exam dates due to UGC NET overlap

MPESB Exams 2024: The Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB) has rescheduled dates for several upcoming examinations originally scheduled for August and September. The MPESB move follows in response to a scheduling conflict with the UGC-NET 2024 and other significant exams, prompting the board to adjust its examination dates schedule to avoid any overlap.

ANM Training Selection Test (ANMTST) 2024: According to the notification, the ANMTST 2024, initially scheduled to be held on August 28 and 29, will now take place on September 2, 2024.

Pre-Nursing Selection Test (PNST) 2024: The PNST 2024, originally scheduled for September 4 and 5, will nowcommence on September 9.

General Nursing and Midwifery Training Selection Test (GNMTST) 2024: As per the MPESB notification, the GNMTST exam 2024, which was initially scheduled for September 4 and 5, will now be held on September 9.

Group III Recruitment Examination 2024: For Assistant Engineers, Assistant Cartographers, Technicians, and other equivalent posts, initially slated to begin on September 12, will now commence on September 19.

MPESB 2024: Guidelines for Online Exam

Candidates who have successfully applied for these exams must follow the following essential guidelines:

Presence at the Designated Reporting Time: Candidates are advised to reach the examination centre at least 30 minutes before the specified reporting time. They must note that latecomers will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.

Biometric Verification:All Candidates are supposed to undergo Aadhaar-enabled biometric verification at the examination centre. Candidates who do not complete this verification will not be eligible to sit for the exam.

Final Answer Key Preparation: After reviewing objections from candidates, a final answer key will be prepared. The exam results will be declared based on this final answer key.

Online Admit Card: All the candidates are advised to download their admit cards for the online exam using their user ID and password. Candidates must ensure the security of these credentials, as they bear full responsibility for them.

Identification Requirement: Candidates are required to present an original photo ID to be eligible to sit for the exam. A printout of the e-Aadhaar card will be valid only if the UIDAI verifies it.

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