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Numerology, February 4, 2025: Number 1 people may focus on charity, number 2 will forge business alliances, number 3 tackles financial matters, while number 6 sees career growth today.
Numerology predictions for February 4, 2025, by astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. (Image: Shutterstock)
Numerology, February 4, 2025: According to numerology, important information related to life can be obtained with the help of a person’s root number. In numerology, the root numbers are considered to be from 1 to 9. In such a situation, let’s know from astrologer Chirag Daruwalla how the day is going to be for people with all root numbers in important areas like career, health, and education. Number 1 people can go for charity work.
This is a good day for number 2 people to make new business alliances. For number 3, it is a day to deal with other agencies related to finance. Good days will come in the relationship of number 4 people. Distances may increase in the relationship of number 5 people.
The career prospects of number 6 people may increase. Romantic proposals of number 7 people will be mutually accepted. Number 8 people will have to avoid wasteful expenditure. Number 9 people may get monetary benefits.
Number 1 (People born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month)
Ganesha says do not plan to pack too much in the day; the disruptions will drive you out of your mind. If you live close to your mother, there is a chance of either of you moving away. An eye problem could become worrisome; seek medical advice. You donate generously to a charitable cause or someone in need. Matters of the heart will be resolved now. Your lucky number is 2 and your lucky colour is Saffron.
Number 2 (People born on 2, 11, 20 or 29 of any month)
Ganesha says though your efforts are well received, you find the beneficiaries quite ungrateful. Some unexpected help may be forthcoming from a mother-like figure. Lock your doors carefully; better to be safe than sorry. This is a good day to forge new business alliances. Your partner is feeling low now; reach out with tender love and care. Your lucky number is 4 and your lucky colour is Grey.
Number 3 (People born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month)
Ganesha says you have a strong influence over others; this will be amply demonstrated at a public gathering sometime now. Look around your home to see what changes can be made to brighten your surroundings. You encounter resistance to your ideas. Persevere. This is the day to deal with bankers, insurance companies and other agencies associated with your finances. Whatever you do, don`t lose your head. Surely you can tell the difference between a fleeting attraction and a steady love. Your lucky number is 6 and your lucky colour is Red.
Number 4 (People born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month)
Ganesha says you will work extremely hard and eventually triumph; personal gain is not necessarily the reason for your exceptional motivation. You feel trapped in a situation that has you flummoxed today. Be cautious while accepting offers of help, as the possibility of deceit is high today. Optimise your business contacts in the international markets. Your relationship has seen better days; control your temper before it gets the better of you. Your lucky number is 7 and your lucky colour is Blue.
Number 5 (People born on 5, 14, 23 of any month)
Ganesha says a sibling is not very helpful. There will be an inclination towards spiritual learning. Your competitors are fast approaching the peak of their efficiency; you cannot afford to be complacent. Avoid extending credit to anyone in business. There is a widening gap in your relationship with your loved one; you need to work at it to bond closer. Your lucky number is 15 and your lucky colour is Green.
Number 6 (People born on 6, 15 or 24 of any month)
Ganesha says authority figures help to boost your career prospects. Do not be so down and out; things will look up soon. Your health is not at its usual peak; take it easy. Expenses go up and you may find it difficult to make ends meet. Relax with your mate in the evening; it`s just the antidote for the trials and tensions of the day. Your lucky number is 1 and your lucky colour is Black.
Number 7 (People born on 7, 16, and 25 of any month)
Ganesha says you find it difficult to say no despite the trouble it often lands you in. You feel trapped in a situation that has you flummoxed today. Be careful where you leave your possessions; anything can happen. You could run up a debt. Your romantic overtures are reciprocated; not without some hesitation at first. Your lucky number is 9 and your lucky colour is Pink.
Number 8 (People born on 8, 17 and 26 of any month)
Ganesha says to avoid getting involved in disputes that do not concern you in any way. Poetry and literary gatherings hold your interest today. Your rivals are active, but you can use tact and diplomacy to defuse them. Do not spend lavishly. Save it for a rainy day. A good day to finalise the wedding date. Your lucky number is 8 and your lucky colour is White.
Number 9 (People born on 9, 18 and 27 of any month)
Ganesha says an important project is likely to encounter hurdles. Be patient. You get an opportunity to find the knowledge you seek. Be careful about your health and take precautions with whatever you eat. Your hard work pays off, this is the time for big money gains. Relationships with your partner are under strain; be patient. Your lucky number is 18 and your lucky colour is Yellow.
(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla).