Wordle #1353 Answer Today (March 3): Getting Stuck In Guessing Solution? Tips & Clues

Wordle Answer Today: Wordle continues to be a daily ritual for puzzle enthusiasts, keeping players engaged since its viral rise in 2021. Despite its simplicity, the word game has proven to be an addictive challenge, offering a satisfying mental workout without demanding too much time. Each day, players have six attempts to figure out a five-letter word, with each guess revealing hints to narrow down the possibilities.

Even the most seasoned players occasionally find themselves stumped by a tricky word. Some solutions are straightforward, while others introduce less common vocabulary — anyone still remembering “WOOER”? If today’s puzzle has you scratching your head, don’t worry; a few helpful clues might steer you in the right direction without spoiling the answer outright.

Clues for Today’s Wordle (Puzzle #1353, March 3)

Before diving into today’s hints, let’s quickly revisit yesterday’s solution (March 2): DEITY. If you’re ready to tackle today’s challenge, here are some clues to get you started:

  • This word can function as both a noun and a verb.
  • It is associated with a weapon that has a sharp, pointed end.
  • The word begins with the letter ‘S’.

Wordle Answer for March 3

Still struggling to piece it together? Here’s one final hint: today’s word contains two vowels and has no repeating letters. If that’s not enough, we’ve got the answer for you.

The solution to Wordle #1353 (March 3) is: SPEAR.

For those looking to improve their Wordle game, selecting an optimal starting word can make all the difference. Mathematician Jonathan Olson suggests words rich in vowels, such as ‘Salet,’ ‘Rance,’ ‘Alter,’ and ‘Crate.’ Starting with these can help reveal key letters early in the game.

Recent Wordle Solutions

If you want to track patterns in previous answers, here are some of the most recent solutions:


Keep checking back for daily updates on Wordle hints and answers, and happy puzzling!

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